Friday, December 23, 2011

In memory of those passed on......Merry Christmas!

(click on arrow on bar above to view video)

This is a memorial to the loved ones I have lost in the last 16 months. It's been a rough road and it stands to get rougher, but God will never give us more than we can handle. I woke up alive this morning, and for this, I give thanks. And if I wake up alive tomorrow, I will again give thanks. Merry Christmas to every one. And Happy New Year!..... :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas!
None of this Happy Holidays business here.
Without Christ, it is not Christmas.
What are we celebrating?
The birth of Jesus "Christ", right?
Okay, enough said.
It is not "Happy Holidays"mas"'
It is "Christ"mas!
There will be many empty chairs around my 
family's dininer table this year but that will be alright.
It was God's will and I can live with that!
He will never give me more than I can handle.
With this in mind, I will always be able to make myself
If I wake up in the morning alive, I will give thanks...
And that will be all the reason I need to smile.
Give thanks for the reason.....This is the season.....